Tuesday, 8 November 2011

In 2015 Maybank to expand operations to achieve one-third of sharia

Maybank aims to expand its Islamic finance operations until it reaches one-third of its total operations by 2015. president and chief executive officer Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Omar, said that last June the banking company's financing operations rose to 27 percent.

"In line with our aim to increase the Islamic banking operations not only in Malaysia but also throughout the Asean region, and 'progress' we are very good.
"The success of Islamic finance operations Maybank increase was due to the diversity of Shariah-compliant products, innovate and meet the needs of consumers lining," he told reporters after the ceremony of offering the Prime Maybank completed 2011/1432 AH Deputy Minister of Rural and Regional Development, Datuk Hasan Malek in Kuala Go on, yesterday. Abdul Wahid said, until the financial year ended June 2011, Maybank has accumulated assets of RM66 billion increased 49 percent over the previous year, more than RM40 billion. On the sacrificial ceremony, Abdul Wahid said that it took place simultaneously in several locations Maybank in Malaysia and overseas, including Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei and Cambodia. He said, through this program, Maybank Islamic contributed 41 cows to be killed on Aidiladha this year.


  1. hope the new a can get benefit an improve the economic socyati

  2. hopefully be it as the key to economic development



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